Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's What!!!

Okay, when we were planning on moving here we read up on all the icky, yucky things that might come with this new adventure of ours.  Sure we have to take malaria medicine every day, gotta bleach the fruit and veggies, can't drink the water.  But when I read about these worms that are in the ground and they can get inside you that really grossed me out and I swore that it would not happen to us.  My kids will always have their feet covered and will stay out of wet dirt.  Uh huh that didn't work out so well. 
It first started with these puss blisters on Regan's toe.  We thought it was poison Ivy (silly Americans) so we kept putting anti itch cream on it then once it spread and opened we put Neosporin on it.  It went on for several weeks (!!!) until I ran into our school nurse and asked her to look at it.  She immediately knew it was worms and had us give her medicine 2 times a day for 3 days and then it was gone.
She even pointed out to me the track marks!!

Poor Regan, what a trooper!  She was great through the whole thing and even gave me permission to post this.  Now I need to just keep shoes on the girl :)


  1. I'm so sorry Regan, please keep your shoes on! I love you!!

  2. Hello!!! I just ready all your blog! It look that your having a great adventure! I'm a 21 year old Mexican guy who will go to Dakar on June and live for 3 months there! I should say I'm kinda nervous about all the

  3. About all the "icky and yucky" things! I I thin it's true what my doctor had tell me! He told me to take the malaria medicine as well, and even told me to not use shorts and sandals over there! As well as the veggie stuff and the water. I'm kinda nervous about that! What recommendation could you give me? Hope you answer my question and maybe we can see each other soon! My email is:
